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The Trexler's Farewell

On the Sabbath morning of June 24th, 2023, DEAF Church members were feeling excited with a pang of sadness in going to DEAF Church because we learned that David and Francisca Trexler were leaving on Monday, June 26. We realized that sabbath day would be the last time to see them, so in secret, Nicolette Reynoso created a beautiful flyer to be sent out through emails, inviting everyone as possible to surprise them.

Many people came to make it a special farewell for the surprised Trexlers. Our tiny room overflowed into the hallway with another TV to see the sermon. David gave his last sermon about urging us to hurry for the Deliverance in coming. We need to be ready like Isreal during the time of Moses, to have food ready, sandals on, and garments ready to leave Egypt (Exodus 12:11). In our times, we need to be spiritually ready to flee from many temptations to stay watch to the signs of Christ’s second comings and to flee to the mountains when Sunday law passed. And we need not give up our Hope in the coming of the Lord, however long we waited.

During the potluck, we surprised the Trexler with their favorite carrot gluten-free cake. Beth Dobson gave a short farewell speech. David continues to give his testimonies on how God led him thru his life. He asked us to continue to pray for him and his wife in searching for the right home to continue God’s ministries.

We, DEAF Church members, ask you to pray for our church to continue its services for God.

Written by Farrah Gooding-Santiago

Collections of Testimonies: If you wish to add your testimony to this page, please email Farrah at


Farewell—But Not Final Good-Bye! I have a simple question, David and Francisca. Are you really moving again? Both of you are leaving here in two days with a wealth of knowledge that all of us will always treasure. Working with you here in Church and outside of Church has been a fantastic learning experience. We are thankful for the skills that have been learned and acquired with the Holy Spirit’s assistance. We feel as if being here with you each day has made us feel closer to Christ and God. God has a plan for you, but it is not divulged yet. However, we sincerely know that it will be revealed in due time, and you will be servicing Him again. Please enjoy your retirement and take a long vacation by counting all the birds again. Let us pray. “Father, David and Francisca are leaving us for good this time in order to serve You in a different way. Our friends will always be in our hearts and minds. Please send angels to protect them as they drive to the Mid-West and to Milo as well as to visit their two sons. We know that to “know God is to love Him. Your character must be manifested in contrast to the character of Satan” (Page 22 of The Desire of Ages.).” We ask You to bless this couple for more years to come. Amen.

Karen Hespe’s Testimony

I first met them with Thompson Kay in Lincoln, Nebraska. I asked Francisca for her help with understanding the words in the hymnal book so I could sign the song. They took me to Arkansas to meet with the Deaf SDA group. They came to a church in Yankton, SD, to give a sermon for deaf people. My friend Theresa Hansen took me to DEAR in VA and saw them again along with Sara Johnson. I had an enjoyable conversation with them. I appreciate them giving bible studies with me to learn more about Jesus. Thank the Lord for the Trexler’s ministries. We had good memories. Thank you with God's love you all.

Farrah Gooding-Santiago’s Testimony

I first met the Trexlers at an evangelistic meeting in Toronto, Ontario, Canada back in 2001. It was also my first experience seeing a deaf pastor preaching in American Sign Language. My mind absorbed all the information I missed from hearing church with no interpreter. Since then, I’m grateful that they led me to meet all the Deaf SDAs across North America, feeling not alone anymore. It was a bittersweet feeling that I would miss them, but I know the other Deaf people across the USA would benefit the Trexler’s ministries as they follow God’s call.

Sheelah and Jason Kimbrough’s Testimony

David and Francisca have known Jason since he was a youngster. I met them when Jason and I were sweethearts and college students at a mini winter camp meeting in Big Bear Lake, CA. It was our privilege to know and to look up to David and Francisca as our role models of God's character. When we moved in Maryland in 2012 and we lived close to the Trexlers, we learned many things from them what it means to have God part of your life by reading the Bible every day, leading Bible studies with others when you feel it is beneficial for yourself, performing church duties, supporting each other as brothers and sisters' spirits, eating God's best diet, and living God's lifestyle. It was always a pleasure to converse with them when we visited their place or ours. As we knew and witnessed, they worked so hard for the 3ADM and the DEAF church in Silver Spring, MD, because they loves God so much. We are very happy for them to be retired, and there is no doubt that they will continue to serve the Lord doing whatever they wish to do when they retire. God bless their hearts. Thank you, David and Francisca!!


Want to add your testimony to this page? Please email Farrah at!



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PO Box 1731

Greenbelt, MD 20768

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