November 2006
The Spring of Hope Silver Spring (Md.) deaf group was recently elevated to company status with 26 charter members. Now called the Deaf Evangelistic Adventist Fellowship (DEAF) company, it is the first deaf congregation in the conference. David Trexler is their pastor.
The members were greatly honored to have conference officers participate in their inaugural celebration. In his celebratory message, the new president of Potomac Conference, Elder Bill Miller challenged the congregation to "go into the community and reach those that we cannot reach."
Currently there are 28 million hearing-impaired individuals living in the United States, and only 2 percent attend church. Of those, only 300 are Seventh-day Adventist. Victoria Harrison, Spring of Hope pastor, was instrumental in preparing the group for their new status. - Visitor Magazine February 2007 (Revised).

Following their recent promotion to a company, members of the newly formed Deaf Evangelistic Adventist Fellowship pose with conference leaders.