Virginia residents met in Stafford SDA Church for a sabbath school class led by Farrah Gooding-Santiago and a sermon given by Paul Kelly. They learned the fascinating historical context behind the book of Esther: historical books by Herodotus and Ctesias support the biblical timeline, Mordecai may have written the book of Esther, and King Ahasuerus (Xerxes) was not the same king as in Daniel's time. They reviewed the great controversy between Jesus and Lucifer in Matthew 24 and Revelation 13. We learned that, to have world peace, governments will enforce the Sunday Law to be able to buy or sell. That is when we'll know Jesus will come very soon after. We prayed that we all would stand firm in our faith in Christ.
They had a potluck afterward. Later, they all went to Santiago's home for the afternoon, enjoying the good weather outside. The Virginia residents are making plans to meet again in January 2023. Stay tuned for the announcement.