“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing” John 15:5, NIV
Continually Connected—the Vital Condition for Producing Fruit
After I graduated, I was assigned to a district with three small churches. One church mainly had elderly members. On good Sabbaths, we had about 40 people; on bad Sabbaths, we only had 10.
One cold Sabbath, with temperatures around -32°F, only nine people attended: my family of four and five others. I wondered if I should preach. The head elder, a 90-year-old woman, said, “We pay tithe, so you need to preach.” So, I preached.
I spoke from John 15:4–8, where Jesus says, “Abide in Me” thrice. In Hebrew culture, repeating something three times shows its importance. I emphasized that our Christian life isn’t just about our actions. True results come from staying in Him.
Ellen G. White says, “It is not the capabilities you now possess that will give you success. It is what the Lord can do for you” (Christian Service, p. 262). I explained that prayer connects us to God’s power and is essential for strength.
I mentioned Matthew 18:19-20, where Jesus promises that when two or three gather in His name, their prayers will be answered. I told the congregation we must pray and work so God can provide results.
After the service, I felt hopeless about the church’s growth. My wife encouraged me to invite the ladies to pray. They started meeting every morning at 6:30 a.m. to pray for growth and guidance. Three months later, attendance grew to about 120.
God calls us to stay connected to Him, to pray constantly, and to seek His presence. You will find true strength and success if you are connected to God.